Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ace Hole in front of the Temple

Pat always has to give a crazy pose for a picture. Rocker and tounge hanging out like the rolling stones. Hayden just looks like he is trying to stay warm. I like the tax train in the background. I think that looks really cool. They also got to witness a bunch of cops with their guns drawn out yelling at someone to get out of the car and walk slowly backwards. That's a lot of excitment for one night.
Last night Pat took the well children downtown to Temple Square to see the lights and take a carriage ride. We were all dressed and ready to go when I kissed Kassidy's head and she was burning hot. Dabnabit! Everytime we have planned to go someone is sick. Back on the 8th Kassidy threw up, then a week later Jesika puked and then this last Thursday Hayden threw up. Kassidy is running a high fever with no other obvious symptoms. This must be something new that has nothing to do with what we have already had. I ended up staying home with Kassidy and watching movies.

The horses name is "Ace". Pat had told the kids that it was nice to have an ace in the hole then he said, "Did I just say Acehole in front of the Temple." What a funny Dad!

Jazz & Jesi during the carriage ride with ace. They had to stay warm with blankets and a little snuggling. They also said that ace had gas and unfortunatley you are always behind the horse on a carriage ride. Maybe he was just trying to keep them warm too. STINKY!


Quader's said...

Bummer that Kassidy was sick again.. Trav and I can't beleive how big the kids are in just a year! Jaz and Jesika look so much like little teenagers!!!! O M G! I am old!!!! We just can't beleive how the time has flown so quickly. The carriage ride with the farting horse is hysterical. Good times.

Brandi said...

did Pat tell you we saw them there? Yep, Sue was doing a couple of performances. It was fun! Glad they had fun too. Too bad your little one was sick!
Oh, I thought of an easier blog title for you: Life as we know it.
Just a suggestion. It's a little easier to say. (no biggie if you don't like my suggestion):)
Merry Christmas!

(sing with me) Lets get together yeah yeah yeah. We could have a swingin' ti-ime!

Brandi said...

OH!! Meant to tell you that picture on your header ROCKS! So pretty!

Celeste B. said...

Gassy horses! Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

It looks so fun! I'm sure it is very cold, but beautiful. Sorry you have had sickness going around. We have been unusually healthy (know on wood).

I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Love and miss you!