Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have four kids and it ends up that our first visit to get stitches is my baby Kassidy!
Her and I were riding around the block on scooters having a great time. Kassidy kept telling me to go faster. I kept telling her to be careful. On our third trip around she wiped out. She hit the sidewalk and kind of slid a little forward. My heart sunk because I knew there was going to be damage I just didn't know what kind. I wasn't expecting this. I thought maybe a broken tooth (I hope not), or bit lip or tongue. After comforting her I looked at her mouth and when I didn't see any blood there I looked lower. There was a deep red line on her chin and then I saw the gash! I picked her up, left the scooters of course and ran for my house.
Her neck was covered in blood and so was I by the time I got to the house. My sweet neighbor Amber drove us to the Dr where Kassidy ended up with 5 stitches. She was so brave. She hardly cried and she laid so still while the Dr stitched her. She got an Oreo sundae for being so brave and the Dr praised her for being so good and gave her 3 prizes. The Dr said the last 3 year old she stitched up kicked and screamed the entire time. Kassidy said ouch and whimpered a little when they stuck the shot in to numb the area. That is it! Today she has had Motrin twice for pain. If you ask her if her chin is better she will say, "not yet." I have had to remind her a couple times not to pick at the stitches. What a trooper. She is fascinated with the pictures because it is the only way she can see what it looks like.

My Hayden Boy!

I took Hayden to see the eye DR. and found out that he can't see all that well. I think he could only read about the 2nd or 3rd line down from the big E. He's still a handsome little guy in his glasses.
Pat and I went on Hayden's class field trip to the zoo the end of last year. It was raining that day. Kassidy was excited to see all the animals also. There favorite thing was this big metal elephant that makes these noises when you touch it. Hayden said it was farting and then he'd laugh so hard I thought he was going to fall over. Typical Boy!
For Hayden's birthday back in May he went bowling at Fat Cats. The boys were very silly and did so crazy bowling that got the ball stuck in places that it shouldn't have been. From left to right is Garreth, Wyatt, Connor and of course Hayden.

Hayden's first grade teacher Mrs. Anstadt who is the best ever! She was a true wonder for my little boy. She loved him and he knew it. Even tonight he was crying telling me how much he misses her. Thank you Mrs. Anstadt! The picture to the right is Mrs. Ashton she was Hayden's reading teacher. She also loved him and kept him in the program a little longer than he needed because she didn't want to let him go. She shared with me how unique and how much he stood out and what a sweet boy he is. Thank you to such wonderful educators that blessed Hayden's life. I will forever be grateful. The world needs more teachers like these!


The Kids and I went to a free concert in Park city. The music was okay. It was free after all. You can't expect much. We had fun making silly faces. We had to ride this tram type thing from the parking lot to were this area is. The kids thought that was fun and Jesika and jasmine kept trying to get me to let ride it down and back up. Of course the answer was NO!
Kassidy and Hayden were entertainment at my finger tips! It was so funny to watch. Hayden kept throwing his hat. This one lady asked me if I had Kassidy in dance. She was shocked when I told her no, just a crazy Mom in the kitchen and a radio.