Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hush little Kassidy...don't say a word

One night I told Kassidy to go to bed and when I went to go to bed myself, I found her in my bed and she climbed into Pat's pajama pants and fell asleep. Although it is no surprise that she went to my bed instead of her own.

Again Kassidy in my bed. She looks so peaceful and sweet. There was no whinning, demmanding, or tugging on my sleeves. I savor these moments. I usually end up moving her to her bed and she usually wakes up sometime in the middle of the night and sneaks back into my bed. It is very funny because she never does this on the nights that her Dad is home. I have to place a pillow between her and me otherwise I get little toes in my back all night and I wake up the next morning very sore.


Brandi said...

That is so cute! How funny that she went and put on Pat's pjs. What a silly little girl!

Quader's said...

Oh how cute. Travis and I were just laughing our bumms off at Kassidy in Pat's PJ pants. Ah too funny and so cute. That is really just too cute.